【同义词辨析】 2019-04-23 轻浮lightness-flightiness

lightness: implies a lack of weight and seriousness and sometimes an instability or careless heedlessness: the only bit of ~ in a dreary, ponderous drama.

levity: suggests trifling or unseasonable gaiety: injected a moment of ~ in the solemn proceedings.   trifle不严肃对待玩笑to do something without serious purpose,如trifled with someone's feelings玩弄某人感情) (unseasonable有2个意思: 1、和季节不符的not in keeping with the season,如a sudden unseasonable blizzard突然的反常(反季节)暴风雪, 2、不合时宜的badly timed,如it was the unseasonable moment for a joke讲的笑话不合时宜

frivolity: suggests irresponsible indulgence in gaieties or in idle speech or conduct: a playgirl living a life of uninterrupted ~.  indulge沉溺,是指过度满足excessive satisfaction,如occasionally indulged myself with shopping我偶尔大肆购物)

flippancy: implies an unbecoming levity especially in speaking of grave or sacred matters: spoke of the bombing with annoying ~. unbecoming言行和身份品格不符不得体implies behavior or language beneath or unsuitable to one's status or character,如conduct unbecoming an officer和军官身份不符的行为)

volatility: implies such lightness or fickleness of disposition as prevents long attention to any one thing: the ~ of the public interest in foreign aid.    fickle多变不可靠changeable and unreliable, 如fickle weather/friend变化无常的天气,靠不住的朋友)

flightiness: implies extreme volatility that may approach loss of mental balance: the ~ of my grandmother in her old age.  这个词形容人感情不专一时语气很重,意思是水性杨花: 像流水那样易变,像杨花那样轻飘,比喻人的感情不专一

lightness轻松: 指庄重严肃,有时表示稳定,levity轻佻: 表示玩笑般不合时宜欢快(gaiety完全无忧无虑),frivolity轻闲无聊: 表示在欢快懒散沉溺不负,flippancy言语轻佻: 一般指谈论严肃事情时轻佻不得体,volatility易变不稳: 性格浮躁易变注意力不集中,flightiness易变轻浮: 表示极端易变不稳定,几乎精神失常。

记忆方法: 1)首字母LLFFVF排列成1V2L3F想成123狼群<==最不轻浮的动物     (狼群有高度的组织性,目标和分工明确、执行力强。《狼图腾》说,其他动物被猎人夹子夹到后,只能等死,狼却会咬断自己的腿逃生,老狼会帮小狼咬掉小狼的腿,所以说狼群可能是最不轻浮的动物)

         2)轻浮的意思是在应该严肃的时候表现得欢快无所谓mean gaiety or indifference when seriousness is called for.